Web Search Results for "Satellites"

Satellite - Wikipedia
21 Apr 2024 at 9:15pm
A satellite or artificial satellite [a] is an object, typically a spacecraft, placed into orbit around a celestial body. Satellites have a variety of uses, including communication relay, weather forecasting, navigation ( GPS ), broadcasting, scientific research, and Earth observation.

What Is a Satellite? | NASA Space Place ? NASA Science for Kids
21 Apr 2024 at 2:02am
The Short Answer: A satellite is anything that orbits a planet or a star. Earth is a satellite orbiting the Sun. The Moon is a satellite orbiting Earth. When you launch a spacecraft into orbit around Earth, that?s a satellite, too. This kind of satellite can help us learn about Earth and the universe.

What is a satellite? | Space
22 Apr 2024 at 1:28pm
A satellite is an object in space that orbits or circles around a bigger object. There are two kinds of satellites: natural (such as the moon orbiting the Earth) or artificial (such as the...

What is a satellite? - NASA
21 Apr 2024 at 11:21am
A satellite is a body that orbits around another body in space. There are two different types of satellites ? natural and man-made. Examples of natural satellites are the Earth and Moon. The Earth rotates around the Sun and the Moon rotates around the Earth.

Satellites | National Air and Space Museum
21 Apr 2024 at 8:07am
A satellite is an object that is in orbit around an object in space of a larger size. Things such as the Earth's Moon or Pluto's Charon are natural satellites. Humans have also created artificial satellites?human-made machines and spacecraft in orbit around our Earth or other objects in our galaxy.

How Satellites Work | HowStuffWorks
21 Apr 2024 at 6:01pm
1 2 ? 13. Print | Citation. Thousands of satellites fly overhead every day, helping us with things like weather forecasts, scientific research, communications, TV broadcasts (and maybe some surreptitious spying). How much do you know about these eyes in the sky?

Earth satellite | Definition & Facts | Britannica
21 Apr 2024 at 7:27pm
Earth satellite, artificial object launched into a temporary or permanent orbit around Earth. Spacecraft of this type may be either crewed or uncrewed, the latter being the most common. The idea of an artificial satellite in orbital flight was first suggested by Sir Isaac Newton in his book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687).

Satellite | Orbits, Communication & Navigation | Britannica
21 Apr 2024 at 11:06am
Satellite, natural object (moon) or spacecraft (artificial satellite) orbiting a larger astronomical body. Most known natural satellites orbit planets; the Earth?s Moon is the most obvious example. All the planets in the solar system except Mercury and Venus have natural satellites.

How do satellites work? - Explain that Stuff
20 Apr 2024 at 1:16pm
An easy-to-understand look at how space satellites work, including the different orbits they follow through the sky and their use in global communications.

Satellite communication - Orbit, Signals, Relay | Britannica
22 Apr 2024 at 4:03am
A satellite is basically a self-contained communications system with the ability to receive signals from Earth and to retransmit those signals back with the use of a transponder ?an integrated receiver and transmitter of radio signals.

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