This is not a full-blown lesson plan, just a quick introductory activity. I used the 100th day of school to introduce younger students to the copy and paste functions in any program. For non-readers, I let them pick a stamp (in Pixie 2).
I would start out by telling them they must type their name or other phrase…100 times OR if they were pre-readers, they would have to stamp the same stamp 100 times. After the initial dismay (the “Say what?”) portion, I would explain that there was a very simple way to accomplish the task that would work in any software. Then I would explain about the Windows clipboard and how it worked. We did not have Macs but the principle would be the same.
I sometimes incorporated a bit of math by asking the kids, “If you type your name five times and copy it, how many times must you paste it to total 100 times.
Flexible, quick and most of the kids enjoyed it.