Careful for those who are sensible to blood, there’s a lot (real blood) in that video. In order to celebrate my 100 video, i’ve decided to show you what i’m doing in school. So what better way then show you one of the movie i made with CJ and another friend. The subject was free but we had to do it on what we call “stop-camera” (do something, freeze the frame, change something and unfreeze. You’ll see what i’m talking in the movie.) The reason why it’s so short its beacause we had a limit time (we weren’t allow to do more then 5min no counting the credits) FAQ Before anyone asks. 1 : Yes i do one of the character. So you can finally see what i look like. CJ is the killer, Dan is the prisonner and i am the Magician/Narrator. 2. No the girl isn’t my girlfriend. It’s a friend of us who accepted to help us for the movie. 3. I was the one pushing CJ, batting him to the face and throw it outside. I also was the one who was driving the red car that “hit” the Prisoner. For those who wonder/care, my car is a Ford Focus 2001 ZX3. 4. Yes the (what we called now) “NoseBreaker” was real. It wasn’t meant to happen, but like i told you in my Tagged video, i’m a jynx and thats the sort of stuff that happen to me. So yes i get my nose break in that shot in the movie, but as all good actor knows, even when something not supposed to happen, happen, you have to keep rolling and continue the shot so i ended the scene and you can see some footage in the making of at the end after the credit …
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