The morning madness is something most households are familiar with, but that does not mean you have to deal with it. The following is a look at how to cut out the morning madness and just enjoy mornings: First and …[Continue]
Back-to-School Fun

Secrets to Homework Success
Homework success is part of academic success. As a parent, helping your child to be successful at their homework is like giving them a gift for the rest of their life. When a child learns to successfully complete homework, it …[Continue]

Effective Ways to Handle Back to School Jitters
When kids are nervous about going back to school, it is the parent’s job to get to the bottom of that nervousness and reassure them. The most common reasons for back to school nerves are things like social fears, fear …[Continue]

How to Get Organized for Back to School
The change in seasons also brings about a another change for many families-back to school. Parents often find themselves struggling with the increased demands that this new routine brings. However, there are several tips that make this transition much easier, …[Continue]

How to Handle Back to School Nerves
Back to school nerves are common, but that does not make them easier to deal with. The most important thing you can do for a child who is suffering back to school nerves is not belittle them for their feelings, …[Continue]