When you put together a back to school routine for your kids, there are three times of the day you should plan for. Before school, after school, and before bed. Here are some suggestions for these three times.
Morning: Mornings are important because they are the time that you set the tone for the day. You want your child to have plenty of time to get ready and make it to school on time so that they do not feel stressed or rushed first thing.
- Breakfast- This should always be part of the morning back to school routine. Kids need to eat a hearty breakfast so that they have energy to get through the day. It will help them focus on school. It will give them the fuel needed for faster thinking, etc.
- Get ready- Part of the morning routine should be grooming. Kids should go to school always looking their best. It will help them feel more confident, make friends easier, and more. Make sure the morning routine include bathing, doing hair, choosing clean clothes, and other grooming.
- Last minute homework- Leave a few minutes each morning for relaxing, or doing last minute homework, getting forms signed, etc. There is always something that needs to be done in the morning, leave time for it.
After school: When school gets out, kids tend to want to go play, but they need to follow an after school routine that includes the following.
- Homework- The sooner your child gets it out of the way, the more fun they will be able to have. Make sure that they sit down and work on their homework as soon as they get done with classes. The reason this is important is that the information will be fresh in their mind, and if they need help, they will be able to find some before it is too late, etc. If they forgot something they need at school, you can get back to the school before it is closed and locked up for the day.
- Practices- Part of your back to school routine should include time for practice. It could be practicing piano or another instrument, it might be sports practice, or dance practice. Make sure they have this as part of the routine, as they won’t want to get behind on it.
- Fun- Make sure they have plenty of time for fun after school. Kids often get bogged down with schoolwork and other responsibilities, and in the end feel overwhelmed and stressed. Time to play and have fun with friends means less stress for your child.
Evening: The evening is as important as the rest of the day when it comes to back to school routines.
- Dinner- Make sure your child eats a healthy dinner. Well-balanced meals are great for a good school year. Also, eating dinner as a family allows you to check in with your kids, make sure homework is done, school is going well, and that they do not have problems with friends, etc.
- Family time- Spend some time as a family. Many school age kids end up with a life that revolves around their sport, their friends, and their schoolwork. Make sure that the family is part of their life by playing a game, watching a movie, or doing something together as a family daily.
- Bedtime routine- A good night’s sleep will help improve schoolwork, so get your kids to calm down, brush teeth, read for a bit, and get to bed at a decent hour.