For those who celebrate Christmas, decorating their home and Christmas trees with ornaments is one of the most enjoyable ways to capture the magic and excitement of the Christmas holidays. The Christmas tree is often explained as a Christianization of …[Continue]
Christmas decorating
The Symbolism of Christmas Ornaments
The glittering and sparkling of Christmas ornaments make the Christmas tree look much more magical and fun. They can be added to any decoration around the house during the holiday season, can even be used to give your gift wraps …[Continue]
The History of Glass Christmas Ornaments
It was the invention of the blowpipe by some unknown artisan that brought about the craft of glass blowing, eventually evolving into the fine art of Christmas glass ornaments we know today. Christoph Muller and Hans Greiner set up Germany’s …[Continue]
A Look at Christmas Ornaments
For many people the high point of Christmas is pulling out the Christmas ornaments and decorating their tree. This high point of decorating during the season can really be an expression of your personality and style. Christmas ornaments run the …[Continue]