Every winter I hope for enough snow to build a snowman at least once. This game makes it possible to collect enough snow, hats, sticks, and rocks to make a snowman anytime of the year no matter where you live. …[Continue]
Christmas with Santa
A two part game for your game playing pleasure. First, find all the hidden presents and put ’em into Santa’s toy sack then dress him up and send him on his merry way. Time to round the world in 24 …[Continue]
Stained Glass Ornament
Christmastime is already here, but it’s not too late to make stained glass Christmas tree ornaments. These can be made using the same construction paper and tissue paper method used in the first example, just on a smaller scale, or …[Continue]
Printable Christmas Antlers for a Group Gift
If you have kids you know that there can be a lot of pressure to ensure that your child is thoughtful and gives every member of his class a gift for Christmas. There are class parties and all kinds of …[Continue]
Printable Christmas Gift Certificates
Fortunately there still exist a few gifts that are simple and sweet and truly are appreciated simply because of the thought. One such gift just happens to be so simple that you can easily print this craft right off of …[Continue]
Printable Christmas Gift Tags
Giving gifts can be one of the most enjoyable and yet most stressful things about the Christmas season. Of course we would like to give everyone that we know a gift and we would like for those gifts to be …[Continue]
Printable Christmas Crafting for Adults
As adults, giving gifts at Christmas time is slightly more complicated than when a child wished to give a Christmas gift. Let’s be honest we all want to give gifts that are impressive, appreciated and thoughtful, but very few of …[Continue]
Fast and Easy Printable Christmas Crafts
During the holiday season many people are very busy. There are parties to host, gatherings to attend, decorating to do, gifts to prepare, the list just keeps going on and on! Many times activities and crafts become nothing more than …[Continue]