Very excited about our newest batch of coloring pages, featuring heroes for February and March. February is Black History Month, followed shortly by Women’s History Month in March. They are beautiful, aren’t they?…[Continue]
What's New
In addition to the thousands of printable coloring pages and interactive coloring games, this is where you'll find sporadic updates about What's New at Surfnetkids Coloring Has Moved!
After years as a standalone site, I’ve moved Free Kids Coloring (which used to be at to a new home here at Surfnetkids. You’ll find all the same great coloring pages (more than 4,012+) and coloring games, just here …[Continue]
Helping Your Two Year Old Develop Fine Motor Skills
Your two-year-old may have just started enthusiastically running; jumping and even saying “No!” to just about every question you pose. While running and jumping are good for their development it is also important to recognize the need for fine motor …[Continue]
Having Fun with Your Child While Teaching Motor Skills
Parenting comes with lots of responsibility and worry so why not take some time to have fun with your child? If you are the parent of a young child you can combine parenting and having fun with taking time to help …[Continue]
Coloring Crafts for Older Elementary School Children
It can be as difficult if not more difficult for older elementary school children to find new ways to learn than younger ones. When the children are young you can use amusing games or crafts to entertain them. You mix …[Continue]
Coloring Crafts for Young Elementary School Children
Educating young elementary school children can be difficult and for a number of reasons. With the younger grades it can be difficult just to keep their attention for more than a few minutes. Young kids would rather be outside playing …[Continue]
How Crayons Are Made
For over 100 years, Crayola has mixed and molded crayons in the hopes of encouraging creativity in children. In this video, Crayola crayons shares a bit of its history, and takes us on a tour of the factory….[Continue]
Fresh New Design is Here!
Our new look is now live. What do you think? Everything is still organized by category (look in the right-hand menu) or you can use the search tool to find something specific. Our “Click to Download” works a little differently …[Continue]
Interactive Coloring Games
I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before, but it finally fell from the sky and hit me on the head. Why not add interactive coloring games to the site? Ta dah! So now, in addition to more than 1300 printable …[Continue]
A New Logo
One afternoon over the long Memorial Day weekend, I became obsessed with redesigning the FreeKidsColoring logo. I don’t know if this one is better (it’s certainly more colorful!) but I had fun creating it .. and so there you have it. A …[Continue]
Coloring Competitions for Preschoolers
Preschoolers are a difficult group to educate and train. As a teacher or parent your role is to instill positive habits and information in the minds of your students. However, preschoolers are a different sort of student. They have very …[Continue]
Coloring With Your Preschooler
Preschoolers are difficult to handle and mostly because they are so limited in terms of their activities. Preschoolers can eat, sleep, poop, and watch movies. They are good at getting into fights and crying. If preschoolers weren’t so cute they …[Continue]
Coloring Craft Gift Cards for Elementary School
It can be difficult for parents and teachers to come up with productive activities for their elementary school aged kids. Most kids would rather be outside or watching a favorite movie than inside doing classwork. If you have struggled to …[Continue]
Coloring Crafts for Elementary School Children
One of the biggest challenges that teachers face when they teach children in elementary school is to make learning fun and enjoyable. Although we start to treat elementary school children like adults they are really just little children. They would …[Continue]
Fun Coloring Crafts for Elementary School Kids
Even the most studious of children in elementary school need a break to do something fun. It is difficult to remember just how difficult it was to be a young student. You probably were always thinking about how hard it …[Continue]
Holiday Coloring Crafts for Elementary School
As an elementary school teacher, or as the parent of an elementary school child, it can be difficult to find fun activities all year round. Kids grow tired of just studying all the time. They would rather be outside playing …[Continue]
Site’s Been Rearranged
I’ve rearranged the site a bit, but hopefully it is still as easy to use (or maybe easier?) The coloring pages now each have their own individual pages, and I’ve added a LARGE “Click to Download” button so it should be …[Continue]
Nursery Rhyme Coloring Pages
Here’s some coloring pages that I’ve been wanting to add for a long time: Nursery Rhyme Coloring Pages. In addition to the illustration, they have a short snippet from the rhyme itself. The collection includes Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty, Hot Cross Buns, …[Continue]
Find the Plants in the Alphabet Coloring Pages
A few weeks ago I got a letter from Becky about the Plant and Animal Alphabet pages that really touched me. If you haven’t yet seen those pages, they are letters of the alphabet intricately filled with animals and plants that …[Continue]
Print and Color Bookmarks
I’ve added something new today: print, color, and cut bookmarks. So far, there’s one for St. Patrick’s Day and one for Christmas. I’ll be fooling around with the format a bit before adding some more, because I’m not quite happy with them yet. …[Continue]
Presidents of the United States Coloring Pages
Wheeee! Just in time for Presidents’ Day, we finished uploading all forty-three U.S. President coloring pages: from George Washington to George W. Bush. Actually, there are only forty-two of them, because Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms. He was both the 22nd and …[Continue]