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Creation Quilt

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This type of activity is a great way to get everyone involved on something together but still giving them the opportunity to contribute their own idea. You can make a creation quilt out of paper or you can do one out of pieces of fabric scraps. Younger children may have more success with paper squares and markers. They can a picture of one of God’s creations like the sun, moon, people, etc. After you have told the story you can help them remember everything that God has created. The pieces of paper look really cute and more “quilt-like” if you can find a paper sewing machine and sew the edges and then staple them together. If you have older children you can actually make a small quilt with some pieces of fabric scraps. Give them a few squares and either have them draw their picture with fabric paint, or you could have them make designs to use with iron-on pieces. Using iron-on pieces takes a little longer because you have to transfer the images they draw onto the iron-on paper and then iron them on, but they look really cute.