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Totem Poles

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There are several different types of Native American crafts you can make and get into. The Native American people are rich in culture and tradition, and as such have several symbolic crafts that kids and adults alike can make. Let’s take a look at some different ideas and how to make these simple Native American crafts.

1. Totem Poles: While these have are known to have been made among the Pacific northwest Indian tribes, an easier version can also be made with your children. Here’s what you need and how to make them:


• Toilet paper rolls
• Paint or markers
• Cardstock or construction paper


• Tape two or more toilet paper rolls together. This will form the basis of your totem pole. Kids can decide how tall they want their totem pole to be and use as many toilet paper rolls as they want.

• Paint over the toilet paper rolls with brown paint to cover up the tape. Let the paint draw.

• Draw or use stencils (depending on the age of the child) your pattern on the painted toilet paper rolls. Encourage kids to try and tell a story or draw picture of their family lineage, etc.

• Let the totem pole dry.