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For children some of the best and most simple crafts to make are the ones that require a minimal amount of effort to play. Most young children are able to make the humming noise on their own. With this humming noise, you can create beautiful music. In this article you will read more about different kinds of musical instruments that can be crafted out of materials that you likely have lying around your home. With some creativity and a little bit of guidance you can make musical craft time fun for your children, no matter what their age is.

The great thing about harmonicas is that they are fun to play and easy to make. Of course not everyone can play as well as someone who has been practicing the harmonica for many years, but if you can hum, you can play the harmonica instrument that we will teach you how to make. To begin, you will need a comb and tissue or wax paper. That is it! All that you need to do to make a comb buzzer harmonica is to fold a piece of tissue paper over the tooth edge of the comb. To play, hum through the tissue paper. You will be surprised at how different the sound coming from your mouth will be when you hum into this makeshift harmonica. Another way to make a harmonica is to cover one end of a cardboard tube in tin foil, to play this harmonica, hum into the end of the cardboard roll is that is not covered in tin foil. This instrument works similarly to how a kazoo is played but makes a sound that is more similar to a harmonica.