Making bean bags can be a great craft for the whole family to do at the same time. There are many different variations that can be used to make exciting and interesting designs. Teens are sometimes difficult to engage and making a bean bag craft with them can be an excellent way to teach them to do something new with the family.
One of the best bean bag crafts for teenagers to make involves learning how to knit and how to sew at the same time. It is great if they already have some skill in these areas, but if they don’t know how to yet, this is a great opportunity to teach them. To make this knitted bean bag you will need a skein of yarn, knitting needles, dried beans, nylon socks, pantyhose or a plastic bag and a yarn needle. The color of the yarn should be chosen to be the final color of the bean bag. Many yarns now come in a wide variety of colors and different textures and this can determine what the final product looks like. If you don’t already know much about knitting yourself, you may need to do some research online about basic knitting stitches or even buy a basic knitting book or guide. You will need to knit two squares that will be attached later when the beans are put in. Attach the two pieces on three sides with an overcast stitch that will secure the edges. Fill the nylon sock, pantyhose or plastic baggy with the appropriate amount of beans (or other material that you will be using) and make sure it fits into the shell how you would like. If you think it will be too heavy or too tight, and then dump out a few of the beans at a time so that you get the desired level. Finish off the last side with more overcast stitching which will then seal the bag off and complete it. The kids can use these bean bags for many different things but one of the most popular activities will be using them for hacky sacks.