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Make Your Own Wind Chimes

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Making a wind chime can be more or less complex depending on what type of wind chime you would like to make and what materials you are choosing to use. Wind chimes can be made to be very specific, with each pipe specifically cut and tuned to create a specific sound when hit. Other wind chimes are less specific or predictable in the way that they resonate. Some people prefer the more melodic sound of a thoughtfully produced wind chime, while others see the value in a more organic and random feeling wind chime. In the paragraphs that follow you will be able to read a generic explanation for how to put a number of different wind chimes together. If you are looking to achieve a specific look and sound, more specific instructions will be needed. Feel free to experiment with a number of different wind chime assembly, design and material combinations to find the wind chime of your choice.

Gathering Materials

When trying your hand at making a wind chime for the first time, you may want to start with inexpensive materials that you may already have around the house. If you are less concerned with how the wind chime looks, feel free to combine a variety of materials. If you are looking to incorporate the look of the wind chime with the look of your home, more thought needs to be put into the types of materials that you use. For example, a bamboo pipe may look less appropriate than a metal pipe when hung on the porch of a traditional or Victorian style home. In addition to finding materials with the right aesthetic appeal, also look for the sounds that various materials will make. Consider objects that generate sound when they are struck. If you cannot find any suitable materials, consider buying the materials that you will need. Hollow metal, copper or bamboo tubing are all traditional options, but do not feel limited to only the traditional choices. Things like old metal tools, kitchenware or small bottles can also be used to make wind chimes

Putting your wind chime together

Remember that a wind chime does little good unless it can be made at the right weight and balance. Your wind chime will need to be light enough to be moved by a gentle breeze and level or balanced enough to be able to hang on its own. Trim the tubing that you have found to different lengths that will provide a sequence of pleasing tones. You can test the tones by suspending each with a string and striking it with the dangler you plan to use. If you want to be exact about the tones that your wind chime creates you may want to use a little help from scientifically engineered tuners. Next you will need to select the type of line you’ll use to suspend the chimes (something as simple as fishing line will do the job). Then choose the material (chain usually works best) by which you’ll hang the chime assembly. Choose the material for the plate from which the chimes will hang as well as the striker and the dangler. Remember to keep issues of weatherproofing in mind when choosing these materials. Drill holes around the edges of the plate. So that there are places to secure the hanging chimes.
Connect the chimes to the plate and hold everything together with a metal loop or chain. Be sure that you hang the chimes at different lengths so to achieve a variety of tones when they are struck by each other in the wind.