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Making A Unique Friendship Bracelet

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Making A Unique Friendship BraceletOne activity that has been particularly popular lately is making friendship bracelets. The bracelets are something that you make with only one other person so they are unique. They express something about your friendship and provide a common object that reminds both people of their relationship. Unlike wedding bands, the nice thing about friendship bracelets is that you can make them fairly easily. In fact, it is precisely because the two of you make them as friends that they are so special. However, many friendship bracelets these days are fairly generic. Most people just braid or weave a small bracelet with different colors. This is fine but also a fairly limited way to express your friendship.

If you think about your friendships you probably realize that they are extremely unique. Each friendship has a particular history, style, and life. If you feel that simply braiding a bracelet is not enough to express this relationship consider some of these options:

  1. A friendship bracelet can be made from anything small enough. Think about small objects such as beads or shells. Most craft supply stores provide plenty of material from which to choose. Experiment with a combination of different materials. A friendship bracelet does not need to be made from only one material. Sometimes alternating materials such as shells and beads can create a very unique look.
  2. Your bracelet could include items from your past. Is there a particular bottle cap from a drink you shared? What about a tiny figurine from a movie or show that you like? These sorts of things can be incorporated into the bracelet fairly easily using fishing line or hot glue. Look around your home for objects that you have collected while spending time together. Have you gone on any trips to exotic places? Do you share a hobby such as a sport? Surely there are some items that could be taken from these aspects of your life and incorporated into the bracelet. If you love basketball cut up pieces of a basketball and include them.
  3. Although only for the truly unique bracelet and friendship, you could create a bracelet that actually produces sound. This could be done with small metal bells or even a bracelet made of coins that click together. Such a bracelet would be a constant reminder of the importance of your friendship and add a different dimension to remembering the other person.

As you can see, there are many unique opportunities for making special, memorable friendship bracelets. Don’t be limited to the standard bracelet unless you feel that it expresses your friendship. You wouldn’t just buy a generic bracelet as a friendship bracelet so why make one? Your unique friendship bracelet will be a constant reminder of your friendship and its importance. It will be a constant symbol of the commitment you have made to be that person’s friend.