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Musical Macaroni Rain Stick

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A rain stick is a musical instrument that when “played” sounds like rainfall. To make this instrument you will need a long tube. Working with a paper tube may be simpler as there will need to be a way of inserting toothpicks into the tube later in the craft. Once you have found your tube and decorated it to your liking, seal off one of the ends of the tube. You will want to make sure that this seal is tight as failure to do so could result in a big mess. Through the open end of the tube, pour in some macaroni (the amount of macaroni you add will change the sound that the rain stick makes). Next, randomly poke toothpicks into the tube (it is fine if they protrude out the other side of the tube. You may want to cut off the exposed part of the toothpick and cover and sharp pieces with tape. To play the rainmaker, slowly rotate the tube from being right side up to being right side down. As you rotate the tube, the macaroni pieces will fall, hit the toothpicks and make a sound similar to rainfall.