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There are lots of different ways to inform children about the holidays. As a teacher you know that you need to find creative ways to teach your students. You know that your job is part entertainer and part educator. One thing that many teachers do not realize is that they can use their classrooms as teaching tools. Its not just what you do or say that matters when it comes to teaching. A good bulletin board can teach the children a great deal abou t all sorts of things. One thing that is very important for young children to learn about are holidays, and one of the big holidays is christmas. Whether the children celebrate christmas or not they need to know about the holiday and understand that it is a big part of many people’s year. They need to understand some basic things about it. If you can design a quality bulletin board you can teach the students allot about christmas. The other great thing about a bulletin board is that it keeps on teaching even when you have stopped. At any time during the day the students will look up and see that well designed bulletin board and they will learn about christmas. So what kinds of bulletin boards will help to teach your students about christmas?

1. Snowflakes. One great way to design and build a great christmas bulletin board is to let the students do most of the work. This is not only because the students will enjoy it, but also because you will get a break from having to constantly decorate the room. Have each student design and build a unique snowflake. Paste these snowflakes on the bulletin board and write each student’s name next to their snowflake. This will allow students to compare snowflakes and be creative. You could also allow the students to use colored paper or to do more than one snowflake. Also, put the snowflakes against some sort of dark background so that they stand out.