Teachers have the wonderful task of teaching our children. They also have to make the holidays fun and help the children find the message in the holiday. Teachers also get to decorate their room and most importantly, their bulletin board. There are lots of ways to make your bulletin board fun, so let’s take a look at some ideas.
First, you want to make sure that the board is educational at least a little bit. You don’t want to just have something up there that you spend your time doing. It should involve the students so that they learn. Even if it’s just to write.
One idea is to cut out hearts from colored paper. Have the children write their names, things they love, pets they love, family members they love, and anything else that they love. Have every child put the hearts up on the board. Have the children write down many things and use many hearts. If you want you can have them write something everyday, for a few days before Valentine’s Day and on it that they love. It can get them in the spirit for Valentine’s Day.
If you have a calendar on your bulletin board decorate it. Use paint, colored paper, and cut outs to decorate it. Even if it is a small part of the board decorate it. It should all be in the festive spirit.
Have quotes or sayings on the bulletin board. Use quotes that are about love. Use poems like the roses are red violets are blue poem that is classis for Valentine’s Day. Be creative. You can even have your students come up with their own poems or sayings and post them on the bulletin board. It will get them thinking and really enjoying the holiday.
Have your students draw what they love. This is great for younger elementary aged students because they love to draw. You can have them draw their family, pets, friends, and anything else. You can have them use normal white paper or have them cut out hearts and draw their pictures on them. They can do more than one too if you want to spread the project out over more than one day.
You will most likely need a background. Make it simple. The background is supposed to stay in the back and not be the main attraction. Make the background a simple color or use a few. If you use a patterned paper or paint patterns onto the background it can become jumbled and too much, unless the thing you are putting on top of it is a simple color. Then it looks really cute.
Have fun this Valentine’s Day. Make your classroom fun and full of learning. Use the holiday to create a fun bulletin board with your class. Show them the meaning of the holiday and the importance of love and how it helps the world.