You can make a delightful buddy to keep your favorite techie company while they surf the net.
You will need:
- 2-1/2″ Styrofoam Ball
- Paint
- Foam Brush
- Pipe Cleaners
- Colossal Pipe Cleaners
- Wiggle Eyes-15mm
- Tacky Glue
- Assorted Pom Beads
Instructions for the project: Paint the Styrofoam ball whatever color you want. Let dry completely. Make the face by gluing on wiggle eyes and adding a pipe cleaner mouth. Carefully cut a colossal pipe cleaner in two 5″ pieces and two 3″ pieces. Push the smaller pieces in as arms and the larger pieces in as legs. Add pompom beads for feet and hands. For hair, cut a pipe cleaner into 1″ pieces. Poke into the Styrofoam head. Add a small pompom bead on each end.