You will need:
- 2 Paper Plates
- Yarn – (Preferably White or Cream Colored)
- 1″ or 1 1/2″ Pom-poms – (Preferably Red or Brown)
- Craft Glue
- Scissors
- Hole Punch
Instructions for the project:
Start out by punching two holes on your paper plate across from each other. Cut two pieces of yarn, each about 24-inches long, and tie one end of each piece into a hole in the paper plate. You will use these to tie the paper plate hat onto your head! Next, you need to make the “spaghetti” for your hat. You need to do is cut several pieces of yarn until you have enough to make the amount of spaghetti you want for your hat. Pour a large amount of glue onto the other paper plate. Lay the pieces of yarn spaghetti on top of the glue. Then carefully pick up the gluey pieces of yarn and place on the paper plate that you have punched the holes into. Continue with this process until you have the amount of spaghetti that you want on your hat. To finish glue several pom-poms scattered about onto the plate of yarn “spaghetti” to look like meatballs. Let the glue dry completely and then tie your hat onto your head!