What you will need:
- swimming goggles
- pencil
- glue stick
- masking tape
- colored card stock
- scissors
- ruler
- black felt-tip pen
Instructions for the project:
Begin by drawing a fish shape (10″ X 4″) from cardstock. Carefully cut it out. Place the swimming goggles on to the fish and draw around the outline. To make this easier you can hold the goggles in position with masking tape. From a piece of different colored cardstock cut a small circle for the eye and fronds of seaweed. You can now remove the goggles and cut out the eye holes following the lines you have drawn. You will want to cut four small vertical slits, two on the outside edge of each eye hole. It is important to make sure the slits are large enough to fit the strap on the goggles. Remove the strap from your goggles. Gently push the swimming goggles into the holes of the fish mask. If they do not fit, you can make the eye holes on the mask a little larger. Now you can reattach the strap to the goggles by threading the strap through the slits in both goggles and the mask. The last step is to glue the eye on to the fish and use a felt-tip pen to draw scales and fins. As a finishing touch glue fronds of seaweed to the mask.