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Elegant Decoupage Jar

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Elegant Decoupage JarWith this craft you can turn an ordinary dollar-store jar into an elegant gift you would be proud to give to anyone special.

You will need:











Instructions for the project:

You will want to use flowers and leaves that have been pressed and dried. Begin by tearing off the straight edges from a sheet of tissue paper and then tear the paper into irregular 1″ pieces. Starting on one side, brush the outside of the jar with decoupage solution. Lay tissue pieces over the entire jar, overlapping edges and brushing on a top coat of decoupage solution. Make sure to cover the jar and lid completely. You can then arrange pressed flowers and leaves all around the glass brushing on more solution as needed. Finish with a final coat of solution and let dry thoroughly. You can also use a paint pen to add details to flowers and draw irregular lines around