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Nursery Rhyme Activities

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One of the best places that you can go to find ideas for nursery rhyme activities is the Internet. Through the use of search engines you can find endless possibilities for nursery rhyme activities. The best thing about using the Internet is that most of the websites that are going to be giving to you through a search is that most of those websites are going to be available for you to use for free. Some of the websites might require you to subscribe to them for a low price but those websites will give you a variety of information that you might find useful in addition to the information that you are looking for. But something that you need to keep in mind is that most of the time you can find the information on other websites for no cost so you need to decide if paying the subscription is going to be worth it in the long run.

Here is one idea for a Nursery Rhyme activity.

Mice and Clocks:

Materials needed:
•Paper plates
•Number stickers
•Pipe cleaners


•Fold paper in half and draw a half a heart shape starting at the fold
•Have children cut out the heart shape and leave the heart shaped folded so that it looks like a mouse shape
•Have them glue on some yarn for the tail of the mouse and a circle or wiggle eyes for the eye
•Now you need to make a clock face so you need to give each child a paper plate
•Have them color the edge of the paper plate
•Now apply the number stickers to the edge of the paper plate so that it resembles a clock face
•Punch a hole in the center of the plate and insert the pipe cleaners for the hands of the clock
•Now recite the Hickory Dickory Dock rhyme using these props