Welcome to June! Your little one has grown so much since January, it’s just hard to believe how fast the time goes. Time for splashing in pools and running in the grass!
Did you know that June is Great Outdoors Month? Especially after the terrible winter we’ve had, make the most of the long days and sunshine!
Enjoy the National Parks!
Here are Barbara’s favorite outdoor games
Also, resources for enjoying nature in your backyard.
Watch this video to learn how to make a talking grasshopper!
Do you love Where the Wild Things Are? Then celebrate Maurice Sendak’s birthday (June 10, 1928).
Learn some cool stuff about that wonderful book.
Can you put the book cover back together?
Enjoy some wild coloring pages!
Your little one will have a blast getting ready for Father’s Day (June 15, 2014).
Home-made gifts are the best!
Choose a printable card for Dad
Color this cute little girl and her father!
And of course, we have Father’s Day coloring pages!
Enjoy every minute of these long days with your little one, and we will see you on the Net!