Welcome to August! In the Northern Hemisphere, the days are long and lazy; pretty soon the big kids will be going back to school.
Your little one has grown so much and learned so many new things! Running barefoot in the grass, splashing in the water, watching a ladybug crawl on her finger … the world is such a wonderful place.
Will your little one be going to nursery school or even kindergarten soon? August is Get Ready for Kindergarten Month.
Are you ready for kindergarten?
Spot the difference between two backpacks full of school supplies.
Try some creative ways of learning the ABCs. It’s more fun that way!
Here are some fun going to School crafts for preschoolers.
Learn how to make some file folder games [VIDEO].
The wheels on the bus go round and round … and can be colored, too!
Summer’s not over yet! Here are some fun things to do in and out of the sun.
Make some macaroni animals.
How about some tissue box crafts?
Try some Mother Goose crafts!
Have you ever made Jell-O playdough?
Don’t forget our summer coloring pages.
Enjoy the last few days of summer and we will see you on the Net!