Another simple craft to create when you use duct tape is to make a bookmark. Stickers along with colored duct tape is a simple way to create a very unique bookmark. All you need to do is to choose on the size of the bookmark. Some can be very long while others will be thicker and shorter. Take the duct tape and then cut out the desired amount and lay it down and then you will lay another layer on top of it. Once you have laid out the duct tape, trim it to create a unique pattern on the sides. Using some scissors to create diamonds and other shapes will easily make for a unique bookmark. Use some yarn to make the bookmark keep it’s place in your book. A hole punch will make a small hole in the top, which allows you to tie the yarn to it and hold your place in the book. To decorate the bookmark in different manners you can try using some permanent markers to color it but you can also use stickers, you may need to place a layer of clear tape over the top of the stickers to hold them in place.