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Trained Seal

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Trained seal

What you will need:

Instructions for the project:

Download the seal templates

Trace the templates on to the craft foam and cut them out as shown.

Cut 1 inch slits along the lines marked A and B.

Bend the seal over lengthwise and insert flippers into the body by sliding slits A and B together.

Thread the tubing over the fins and out of the mouth. Then staple the body together at the seals chin.

Decorate the seals face with markers or googly eyes and color the Styrofoam ball with markers
Using the pushpin or needle poke a hole into the tubing about ¼ an inch from the end. Then thread a little of the wire into the hole and wrap it around the tip of the tubing a few times. (Don’t do it too tight as that can crimp the tubing)

Holding the ball over the mouth of the tube very loosely wrap the rest of the wire around the bottom half of the ball.