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Shoebox Aquarium

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Shoebox Aquarium

Shoebox aquarium ( you can also make puppet theaters and other story telling designs out of this same kind of box, just choose different types of stickers)

What You’ll Need:

Instructions for the Project:

  1. Paint the shoebox. Wait to dry and set it on its side
  2. Decorate the back of the shoebox (inside back) with two layers of wavy blue paper. Also decorate the foreground with a layer of wavy blue paper
  3. Add small rocks and plants to the bottom of the shoebox
  4. Place a bamboo skewer down on a piece of heavy paper and press a fish sticker onto the skewer and the paper. Repeat this process for all of your fish stickers
  5. Cut out all of your fish stickers. Cut small rectangles of card stock
  6. Take two of the rectangles of card stock and place them together so that they form an “X” shape and punch a hole through the middle of the “X” so that the skewer can fit through it. Repeat this process for all of your skewers.
  7. Cut two slits down the length of the top of the shoebox, make sure that they are wide enough for the skewers to go through
  8. Push the skewer end of the skewered fish up through the slits
  9. Push the card “X”s down over the end of the skewers popping up through the box and tape them into place