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Stuffed Shamrock

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This project is a simple sewing craft to make a stuffed shamrock. You will need two pieces of felt measuring 8 ½ x 11 inches, 4 safety pins, green thread, sewing needle, some type of stuffing either newspapers or fiberfill, black or red fabric paint, one set of 10mm googly eyes, white rickrack. To begin take your green felt and cut out 2 shamrock shapes, you can find a pattern online or you can free hand one. If you are using a pattern you will need to lay your 2 green felt pieces on top of each other. Lay the pattern on top of these 2 felt pieces and use the safety pins to pin the pattern to the 2 pieces of green felt. Cut out the felt using your shamrock pattern. Take the pattern off the felt but keep the pins on. With your needle and thread begin sewing around the edges of the shamrocks. Your stitch should go over the edges of the felt. Leave a small opening for stuffing. When everything but the stuffing opening is sewn you can then stuff the shamrock. When you have it as stuffed as you like then you can sew the opening shut. Decorate the stuffed shamrock with rickrack around the edges. Create a face with the fabric paint and glue on the googly eyes. If you want a plain shamrock don’t paint a face on. You can also make a pillow with bigger pieces of felt.