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Mother Goose Craft for Little Ones

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Mother Goose craft ideas are not in short supply. Teachers and parents are coming up with new Mother Goose craft ideas all the time. However, there are some common denominators when it comes to Mother Goose crafts and it is because of the consistent popularity of those ideas that the following list of best Mother Goose craft ideas was created. Of course it is impossible to create a truly universal list of the best of the best when it comes to creativity, so do not discount your own ideas and craft successes simply because they are not listed here. It is definitely fair to say that your own list of best Mother Goose crafts should consist of the crafts that you and your children most enjoy doing and have created fond memories because of.

Best Mother Goose Craft for Little Ones

One of the most popular Mother Goose crafts for young children is making your own lamb or sheep (depending on if you like Mary or Bo-Peep best). All that you do is cut out the outline of a lamb and then have the child color the lamb or draw a face on the lamb. Then use some glue and cotton balls to cover the lamb with fur. Little ones love this craft because of how tactile it is and because they can do it with very little help from mom or dad.