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Easy to Learn Nursery Rhyme Activities

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Here are some nursery rhyme activities that are actually really easy to do and to learn.

Baa Baa Black Sheep:

Materials needed:

•Black paint
•Sheep outline


•First you need to draw a sheep outline or print on from the Internet.

•Next you are going to take the straw and use it to blow black bubble painting on the sheep outline.

•You can blow as much or as little as you want to complete the picture of the black sheep.

Humpty Dumpty Book:

Materials needed:

•Poster board
•Crayons or markers


•First you need to go over the rhyme with the children several times this way they are familiar with the rhyme and what is supposed to happen.

•Next you need to take the poster board and put down one line of the rhyme and ask the children what should be drawn in for this part of the rhyme.

•Using simple drawings you continue this until you have gotten all parts of the rhyme drawn in.

•Now you need to bind the book together by punching holes into the poster boards and securing the pages together in order with metal rings.

This project can be done with any nursery rhyme not just Humpty Dumpty.