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Birdhouse Gourd

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Hanging Gourds

•Start with a rather large gourd, at least 6 inches high not counting the stem.

•Then make sure to soak and thoroughly clean the gourd by following the instructions above. Though, you may want to soak it at least four hours or even over night in the warm water.

•Drill two large holes in the top of the gourds stem. They should be large enough holes to thread the jute through the holes.

•Then you will want to make a large hole that goes into the center of the gourd. This is where the birds, or other animals would go to get out of the wind, rain etc. The hole can be dug out a little.

•Now put on a base coat of what is called old parchment. Let each coat dry in between each coat. Now you can draw the design or paint the designs you want to have on the outside of the birdhouse. Be sure to always let one step dry, before you go to the next step.

•Finally put a topcoat on of a semi-gloss or something like it to give it protection from the weather.

•Thread the jute, and hang it in your yard or garden.

These are three great gourd craft ideas. The Internet has many more fun, easy and interesting things you can try. Just check out all the options that are out there.