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Apple Candleholder

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Materials needed:

•Red apples
•Lamb’s ear leaves
•Rosemary or your own choice of herbs
•Apple Corer


Something to keep in mind is that when choosing apples you are going to want to check your apples to make sure that they sit flat and straight and are of an equal size.

•The first thing that you are going to need to do is to polish your apple with some kind of soft cloth. What you are trying to do is to make your apple look shiny and clean, sometimes washing it first helps.

•The next thing you want to do is to take the apple corer and remove the stem end of the apple, but when removing this side you don’t want to go all the way through the apple you want to remove about ½ inches of the apple, meaning only go down about ½ inch with the apple corer.

•Then place two lamb’s ear leaves and a small sprig of rosemary or your choice of herb inside the apple. This will be in the hole you just made with the apple corer.

•Now to keep the herbs in place you are going to want to anchor in the herbs with a short candle, you can use longer candles but it has been found that candles of 4 to 6 inches work the best.

•Once you have anchored everything in place you are going to want to gently curl the lamb’s ear over the apple with your fingers