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Irish Friendship Pins

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Irish Friendship PinsAnother easy craft project you can do for St. Patrick’s Day is friendship pins with Irish type beads. You can call them luck of the Irish pins and give them out or wear them on your shirts, coats, hats, or your shoelaces. You will need some of the bigger safety pins, these are easy to work with and most beads will fit on them. The only other thing you need for your luck of the Irish pins would be any type of beads, green beads in different shades, white beads and any other beads that seem like they would go well with your Irish pins.

To start making these you just need to put the beads onto the safety pin and pin it back together. You can put the beads in patterns or however you want. Be creative, if you can find little leprechaun beads use them. Another way to do this is to put your beads on smaller safety pins and then put those smaller pins on the bigger pin. Using this way you could make a full Irish flag.

There are so many crafts for St. Patrick’s Day but the two here will be a great start in celebrating the Irish without dying your hair or water green.