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A Puddle Boat

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paper ship in children hand

A great idea is a puddle boat as you can use it in the puddles after a rainstorm or in the bathtub with the kids. Grab some Styrofoam, acrylic paint, nails, and a rubber band. Use scissors or a knife to cut the Styrofoam into a 10 by 5 inch rectangle. Then you will contour one of the shorter ends so it can be the bow of the boat. On the opposite side, cut a 4 by 3 opening for the paddle wheel. With the left over Styrofoam you can make a cabin in the middle of the boat. Cut a half circle 3 inches long at the flat end and glue it to the top of the bow. You can make a paddle wheel out of Fome-Cor. Cut out two 3 by 2 inch rectangles and make a notch in the center of each to form a cross. The body of the boat is complete and you can now decorate the boat with the acrylic paints. Be sure to use acrylic gloss to seal the paint so it doesn’t come off in the water. Tap a small nail partway into the Fome-Cor on both sides of the wheel opening. Tie an overhand knot at both ends of a rubber band to form two small loops. Then slip a loop around each nail and fit the middle of the band around the center of the paddle wheel. You now have completed your paddle boat and you and the kids can go play in the puddles outside!