Enrolling your child into preschool is the beginning to your child’s academic career and social interaction. In preschool, your children will learn how use their cognitive development, which includes their memory, creativeness, senses (see, touch, hear, smell) and also use their imagination to communication what they are thinking and how to put their thoughts into words. The more they use their imagination, the more they will increase the way they process information and react in certain situations. The preschool that your child attends is also important. Choose a preschool that will teach your child how to solve problems with puzzles, create experiments, role playing in situations, memory with songs and sayings and also asking questions and helping them learn.
When a child learns something new, they will relate what they learn with an object. For example, an orange will be remembered to many children as a round, orange item that they can eat. The more a teacher helps them learn information like this, the more they will use an object to remember what items are. The more your child uses their memory; they will increase their short term and long term memory. The imagination a child has is a great tool for a teacher to use also. When a child is placed in a “make believe” situation, they will start to use their imagination and create scenarios for the teacher to help them use and learn from. Role playing and placing the child is a play scene will also help the child use their imagination and also help them learn. Children like to play school, grocery store or hospital. The teacher will be able to help the child play and learn about different things that are included.
Showing children how to use their memory skills will help them improve the way they think and process information they are given. Each child is different and will think differently. Using the senses will help increase the way the solve problems and situations they may face. As a preschooler, the problems that they are faced with is completing a puzzle or making a building out of blocks. As the preschooler ages, they will be faced with more challenging scenarios. The more we increase the way they think at a young age, the more they will succeed and handle problems as an adult.
The more your preschooler learns how to express themselves, the more their cognitive development will mature. When someone wants to express themselves, they use communication as the main sense. Help your child or student learn how to communicate with different exercises that will make them communicate. As a teacher, when you witness another child not allowing a child to play with them, ask the child that was denied to play how they feel about the situation. This will give the child a chance to express feelings and know that it is ok to be hurt or angry. Also approach the child that would not allow the other child to play. Find out why they couldn’t play together and explain how they hurt the other child. These situations will give the children a chance to learn how to communicate and express the emotions they are feeling.
Challenge your child or student with different activities. The more the child is challenged, the more situations their mind will be involved in and the more they will use and improve their cognitive development. As they increase their skills, they will be more prepared for their academic career and social interactions that they will face in their adult life. Find the proper tools and mechanics that will help you and your child or student grow together.