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Sewing Craft Safety

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Sewing has made a comeback in today’s world and sewing crafts have also become a popular hobby and career for many individuals today. Whether you are an adult or a child learning to sew or an experienced seamstress, sewing craft safety is always an issue. Although sewing may not be the most dangerous hobby to learn there are some safety precaution tips to keep in mind when working on your sewing craft.

Safety tip #1: When using a sewing machine wear the proper shoes
It may not seem important but if you’re wearing something on your feet that has some grip you have less chance of accidentally stepping on the pedal with your finger under the needle. And that can be a potentially dangerous accident and extremely painful. Whatever you decide to wear, just make sure there is friction between your foot and the pedal.

Safety tip #2: Clean up the mess as soon as you have finished working for the day
This is not the most convenient safety tip as it usually takes us more than one day to start and finish a project but when materials are left out they have a chance of not only getting lost but of getting lost in the wrong places, especially if you have young children. Things such as pins and needles are a potential hazard to all children and scissors especially can be a threat to any untrained user. Keep your supplies together in a safe box away from little hands and the threat of losing them. While it may be inconvenient it will save you the hassle of buying new supplies and materials as well as a trip to the emergency room.

Safety tip #3: Scissor Safety
Scissors will always have their own safety category because they are used so frivolously and many people forget how sharp the ends actually are. If you have working with scissors then make sure that you carry and stow them properly. Proper sewing and craft scissors are designed with extremely sharp edges so that cutting fabric is made easier.

When carrying them always carry them with the points in your hands and the handles of the scissors facing outward. That way if you trip as you’re walking you can’t stab anyone one the way down. Most proper crafting scissors will come with a cover for the blades. Don’t ever leave or put them away without using the covers as small hands can find them and cut themselves or you may be reaching into your sewing box and forget that they’re there.

Safety tip #4: Cut on a flat clean surface
Make sure when you are cutting your material that you cut on a clean, flat surface. Almost every seamstress has probably learned that safety tip the hard way as they cut through papers hiding underneath the fabric or even worse, their carpet. Clear a spot for you to do your work and work on your sewing craft.

Safety tip #5: Always turn machines off when finished using them
This goes for any kind of machine that you’re using. Some sewing crafts will require a sewing machine, some will require a glue gun or hot iron; whatever the case is and whatever tool you are using to make your sewing craft make sure the piece of machinery gets turned off. There’s no telling what kind of accident can happen with a hot glue gun or hot iron when there are young children around.

Tip #6: First Aid
It’s always important to keep a first aid kit on hand just in case anything happens while you’re working on your sewing project. You never know when basic things such as band aids will come in handy.

These are just a few sewing craft safety tips. Hopefully they will make your crafting space and time a much safer place to work.