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Fancy Flip Flops

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You can decorate summer flip-flops to rival any of those you find in the pricey department stores. Best of all your flip flops will be fun to make and unique to wear!

What you will need:

•Pair of flip-flop sandals
•Colorful feathers, an old feather boa, or various colored buttons
•Fake Jewels available at craft stores
•White craft glue

Instructions for the project-
Button or bejeweled flip-flops: Using the white craft glue, start in the center of the flip-flop strap and attach buttons or jewels, one after another. Allow the glue to dry for an hour or two before wearing.

Feather flip-flops: Start at the bottom of one of the straps and glue feathers in place, one by one, working your way up toward the center. Repeat this process for the other strap, meeting in the center. Fill in any gaps with excess feathers.
Feathers can be trimmed with scissors as you go, if needed. Allow the glue to dry for an hour or two before wearing.

Tips:Flip-flops are available at most discount department stores, drug stores and even some craft stores. Feathers in a multitude of colors are available in bags from any craft store. We do not recommend hot glue for this project as it comes loose from the plastic too easily. White craft glue will hold better.