One of the most important pieces of information that you can teach a small child is the alphabet. Naturally children need to learn how to eat, go to the bathroom, socialize, and speak. In a world that requires high levels …[Continue]
Coloring Fun with Preschoolers
Are you stumped about what to do with your preschoolers? If you are a teacher you might have some great ideas, although with preschoolers it always seems like a battle. Preschoolers are at a very strange age because they lack …[Continue]
Coloring Activities for Preschoolers
I don’t remember much about preschool other than a large room full of loud kids who were nearly impossible to control. I remember little boys and girls pinching each other and laughing hysterically. The teacher always seemed entirely overwhelmed by …[Continue]
Coloring Favorite Animals
There are only so many things that a preschooler can do; preschoolers can cry, sleep, eat, and ask for presents. They usually have very short attention spans and lack many of the critical skills that would make them more independent. …[Continue]
Make Your Own Coloring Book
Preschool is a difficult time for the kids and for parents. Teachers probably have the most difficult time of it because they have to deal with hordes of tiny children. Preschoolers are cute but they have a very short attention …[Continue]
Kids Craft Too
Kids love to be creative. Most children are naturally creative. They like to build things with their friends and with their mom and dad. Kids like colorful things and they love to explore. This is partly why crafts are a …[Continue]
Easy Decoupage Box
This fun and easy to do collage box is a great way to see if you love doing decoupage. You can literally use any type of magazine picture, photograph or even torn wrapping paper to personalize your box. What you …[Continue]
Handprints Galore
There are many individuals who shy away from making crafts because they feel that they are not the artistic type or that they lack the creativity to make something unique or innovative. Some people have a difficult time seeing things …[Continue]
Holiday Handprint Crafts
Handprint crafts make excellent holiday decorations. There are all kinds of creative creatures that can be made simply by using your child’s handprints. For example, a thanksgiving turkey can be made by taking multiple cutouts of the shape of your …[Continue]
Hanging Mobile Crafts for Kids
For kids, making mobile crafts is an easy way to incorporate dimension into your craft making. Instead of having them color another page in the coloring book, why not challenge them with an activity that is a little bit more …[Continue]
Friendship Bracelets at Sleepovers
Friendship is one of the bright spots in life. Although everything else might fall apart, if you have good friends you have something worth more than wealth or power. Our friends provide us with support, comfort, and wisdom. They know …[Continue]
Make the Moon
In this craft you can transform an ordinary ball into a model of the moon. Use paint or puff paints to draw small circles over the entire surface of the ball. Make craters, spots and other textures that are unique …[Continue]