2 cups salt1 cup cornstarchwater Mix the salt and 2/3 cup water in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat for 4 to 5 minutes, stirring until the salt is dissolved. Remove from heat. In a separate bowl, slowly add 1/2 …[Continue]
Cinnamon Clay
1 1/2 cups ground Cinnamon 1 cup Applesauce 1/3 cup Elmer’s glue 1 medium sized Bowl Flat surface for kneading Wax paper Rolling pin Cookie cutters – various typesKnifeStrawNon-stick cooling rackRibbonPuffy paints, optional This recipe makes a sweet smelling dough …[Continue]
Baker’s Clay
4 cups flour1 cup salt1½ cup water (to start) Do not halve or double recipe.Mix together all ingredients and knead 5 minutes.Shape and bake in 350 degree oven for 1 hour or until hardened. Paint with acrylic paints. From Liz, …[Continue]