Friendship is something to celebrate and to announce to the world. Friendship is one of the best things in life; without friends we would find existence dreary if not impossible. When you find a good new friend you should cherish …[Continue]
Making A Unique Friendship Bracelet
One activity that has been particularly popular lately is making friendship bracelets. The bracelets are something that you make with only one other person so they are unique. They express something about your friendship and provide a common object that …[Continue]
Holiday Napkins
These napkins can be made for winter in general or for any of the holidays that fall around this time of year. These are a great craft that kids can help with as well. What You’ll Need: • Felt or …[Continue]
Seasonal Friendship Bracelet Ideas
Friendship is a sacred and wonderful thing that helps to sustain life. Without friends our lives would be perhaps impossibly difficult. Our friends offer support and counsel in hard times. They are the ones we spend our joyful times with …[Continue]
Why A Friendship Bracelet?
Friendship is one of the great experiences of life. Friends provide support, joy, and advice. They lovingly support each other and help to build a better life. Although friends don’t always get along perfectly, it would be almost impossible to …[Continue]
Friendship Bracelet Resources
Friendship bracelets have come and gone through each era. They are quite popular among young teens and even early elementary aged girls. Girls can create meaningful friendship bracelets from all different patterns and materials for themselves or for others as …[Continue]
No Sew Bean Bags
Making a bean bag can be a very fun project for lots of people, but sometimes it is difficult to get the younger kids involved and keep them safe at the same time. Sewing can be a challenging task for …[Continue]
Bat Shapes
You can use these same principles of how to make a basic bat shape and apply them to a number of different crafts. For example, you can cut the bat shape out of felt and adhere it to a sweatshirt. …[Continue]
Plastic Canvas Craft Patterns
Getting a plastic canvas project done from start to finish can be a tricky project if you don’t have the right tools for the job. A plan and a pattern are the most important things for making a plastic canvas …[Continue]
No Sew Fleece Pillow or Blanket
OK, let’s say that you have no sewing talents and the thought of having to follow tedious instructions bores you, there are still plenty of fun and festive crafts that you can make. One example is a no-sew fabric project. …[Continue]
What Are Plastic Canvas Crafts?
Plastic canvas is a material that can be used for many different things. It is used by many people to create decorations for their home that are both beautiful and functional. Some of the most popular patterns are tissue box …[Continue]
Crystal Ring Pattern
Tired of working with just beads? Here is a great pattern for making a ring out of Swarovski crystals, Fire Mountain Gems. Not only is this ring classic and elegant but it comes with easy to follow directions. This is …[Continue]