Using a paper plate as the body for a baby chick, use cotton balls and glue to cover the plate. Cut out a beak from construction paper and fit it in between two cotton balls towards the center of the …[Continue]
Rocking Ducks
Start by having your child color a paper plate yellow. Fold the plate in half, then glue on a yellow circle on the left top side by the fold. Cut out and add an orange triangle for a beak and …[Continue]
Bird-Watching Binoculars
Glue two empty paper towel or toilet tissue rolls together to form binoculars. Punch holes at one end on the outside of the rolls and tie a string from one to the other so binoculars may hang around neck. Allow your child to …[Continue]
Simple Paper Birds
You can make a simple bird craft from construction paper. Simply cut two different circle patterns out of colored paper. Glue the two circles on a half sheet of construction paper. The smaller circle is the head and the larger the body. …[Continue]
Mobiles for Baby
Making mobiles can be a very fun and exciting thing to do especially if there is a baby in the home that will be able to look at and play with them after they are finished. Here are some great …[Continue]
Simple Hanging Mobile
Making a mobile is relatively simple. All that you need are a few basic materials and your imagination. In every case you will need some sort of hanger or base that your mobile will be connected to, you will also …[Continue]
Bean Bag Animal
A more complicated and more involved bean bag craft for kids is to make an animal or doll. The same materials can be used and the construction techniques are basically the same, but there is just more work to be …[Continue]
Printable File Folder Games for Kids
Taking your children to church and expecting them to sit for long periods of time can be quite a challenge. File folder games for kids are a great way to help them stay quiet and learn new skills. If you …[Continue]
File Folder Games for Preschoolers
As preschoolers prepare for kindergarten, there are a number of different things they should know to be best prepared. There are many different educational toys and books available to help them learn, but parents can also make educational games for …[Continue]
Alphabet Blocks
Materials needed: •Box pattern•Paper or cardstock•Glue stick or tape•Crayons or markers Directions: •The first thing that you are going to want to do is to draw a box pattern or find one on the Internet. •If you draw the box …[Continue]
ABC Placemat
Materials needed: •1 yard of pre primed canvas•Acrylic paints•Polyurethane•Paint brushes•Pencil•Painter’s tape•Duct tape or No sew•Stencils of letters Directions: •The first thing that you need to do is to cut out your ABC placemat to size. To do this you can …[Continue]
Alphabet Caterpillar
Materials needed: •Scissors•Glue •Paper•Markers or crayons Directions: •You can make your own caterpillar by drawing circles that are the same size on a different colored construction paper. •After drawing the circles you will want to take a black marker and …[Continue]