A Wolf, having stolen a lamb from a fold, was carrying him off to his lair. A Lion met him in the path, and, seizing the lamb, took it from him. The Wolf, standing at a safe distance, exclaimed: “You …[Continue]
The Oak and the Reeds
A very large Oak was uprooted by the wind, and thrown across a stream. It fell among some Reeds, which it thus addressed: “I wonder how you, who are so light and weak, are not entirely crushed by these strong …[Continue]
The Lioness
A controversy prevailed among the beasts of the field, as to which of the animals deserved the most credit for producing the greatest number of whelps at a birth. They rushed clamorously into the presence of the Lioness, and demanded …[Continue]
The Stag, the Wolf and the Sheep
A Stag asked a Sheep to lend him a measure of wheat, and said that the Wolf would be his surety. The Sheep, fearing some fraud was intended, excused herself, saying: “The Wolf is accustomed to seize what he wants, …[Continue]
The Farmer and His Sons
A Farmer being on the point of death, wished to insure from his sons the same attention to his farm as he had himself given it. He called them to his bedside, and said: “My sons, there is a great …[Continue]
The Fir Tree and the Bramble
A Fir Tree said boastingly to the Bramble: “You are useful for nothing at all, while I am everywhere used for roofs and houses.” The Bramble made answer: “You poor creature, if you would only call to mind the axes …[Continue]
The Wild Ass and the Lion
A Wild Ass and a Lion entered into an alliance that they might capture the beasts of the forest with the greater ease. The Lion agreed to assist the Wild Ass with strength, while the Wild Ass gave the Lion …[Continue]
The Wolf, the Goat and the Kid
As an old Goat was going forth to pasture, she carefully latched her door, and bid her kid not to open it to any one who could not give this pass-word: “Beware of the Wolf and all his race.” A …[Continue]
The Bees, the Drones, and the Wasp
Some Bees had built their comb in the hollow trunk of an oak. The Drones asserted that it was their doing, and belonged to them. The cause was brought into court before Judge Wasp. Knowing something of the parties, he …[Continue]
The Heifer, the Goat, the Sheep and the Lion
A Heifer, a Goat, a Sheep, and a Lion formed a partnership, and agreed to divide their earnings. The Goat having snared a stag, they sent for the Lion to divide it for them. The Lion said: “I will make …[Continue]
The Man and His Two Wives
In days when a man was allowed more wives than one, a middle-aged bachelor, who could be called neither young nor old, and whose hair was only just beginning to turn gray, must needs fall in love with two women …[Continue]
The Bulls and the Frogs
Two Bulls lived in the same herd, and each aspiring to be the leader and master, they finally engaged in a fierce battle. An old Frog, who sat on the bank of a stream near by, began to groan and …[Continue]