A Hound, having started a Hare on the hill-side, pursued her for some distance, at one time biting her with his teeth as if he would take her life, and at another time fawning upon her, as if in play …[Continue]
The Wind and the Sun
A dispute once arose between the Wind and the Sun, which was the stronger of the two, and they agreed to settle the point upon this issue—that whichever of the two soonest made a traveler take off his cloak, should …[Continue]
The Crab and its Mother
A Crab said to her son: “Why do you walk so one-sided, my child? It is far more becoming to go straight forward.” The young Crab replied: “Quite true, dear mother; and if you will show me the straight way, …[Continue]
While Aesop’s fables have been some of the most popular stories around for centuries upon centuries, we basically know absolutely nothing about Aesop himself. We do know that he was Greek, and he was probably born in Thrace. Thrace is …[Continue]
The Lion and the Boar.
On a summer day, when the great heat induced a general thirst, a Lion and a Boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. They fiercely disputed which of them should drink first, and were soon …[Continue]
The Great and the Little Fishes
A Fisherman was drawing up a net which he had cast into the sea, full of all sorts of fish. The Little Fish escaped through the meshes of the net, and got back into the deep, but the Great Fish …[Continue]
The Cock and the Fox
The Fox, passing early one summer’s morning near a farm-yard, was caught in a springe, which the farmer had planted there for that end. The Cock, at a distance, saw what happened, and, hardly yet daring to trust himself too …[Continue]
The Brazier and His Dog
A Brazier had a little Dog, which was a great favorite with his master, and his constant companion. While he hammered away at his metals the Dog slept; but when, on the other hand, he went to dinner, and began …[Continue]
The Old Hound
A Hound, who in the days of his youth and strength had never yielded to any beast of the forest, encountered in his old age a boar in the chase. He seized him boldly by the ear, but could not …[Continue]
The Stag and the Fawn
A Stag, grown old and mischievous, was, according to custom, stamping with his foot, making offers with his head, and bellowing so terribly that the whole herd quaked for fear of him; when one of the little Fawns, coming up, …[Continue]
The Fisherman and the Little Fish
A Fisherman who lived on the produce of his nets, one day caught a single small fish as the result of his day’s labor. The fish, panting convulsively, thus entreated for his life: “O Sir, what good can I be …[Continue]
The Man and the Satyr
A Man and a Satyr once formed a bond of alliance. One very cold wintry day, as they talked together, the Man put his fingers to his mouth and blew on them. On the Satyr inquiring the reason, he told …[Continue]