Eencey Weencey spider Climbed up the water spout; Down came the rain And washed poor Eencey out; Out came the sun And dried up all the rain; And the Eencey Weencey spider Climbed up the spout again….[Continue]
Come to the Window
Come to the window, My baby, with me, And look at the stars That shine on the sea! There are two little stars That play bo-peep With two little fish Far down in the deep; And two little frogs Cry …[Continue]
Birds of a Feather
Birds of a feather flock together, And so will pigs and swine; Rats and mice will have their choice, And so will I have mine….[Continue]
Bat Bat Come Under My Hat
Bat, bat, come under my hat, And I’ll give you a slice of bacon; And when I bake, I’ll give you a cake, If I am not mistaken….[Continue]
As I Went to Bonner
As I went to Bonner, I met a pig Without a wig, Upon my word and honor….[Continue]
The Ants Go Marching
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah The ants go marching one by one, The little one stops to suck his thumb And they all go marching down to …[Continue]
All Around the Mulberry Bush
All around the mulberry bush The monkey chased the weasel. The monkey thought ’twas all in fun. Pop! goes the weasel. A penny for a spool of thread, A penny for a needle. That’s the way the money goes. Pop! …[Continue]