As I was going to Derby all on a market-day, I met the finest ram, sir, that ever was fed upon hay; Upon hay, upon hay, upon hay; I met the finest ram, sir, that ever was fed upon hay. …[Continue]
The Death And Burial Of Poor Cock Robin
Who killed Cock Robin? “I,” said the sparrow, “With my little bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.” Who saw him die? “I,” said the fly, “With my little eye, I saw him die.” Who caught his blood? “I,” said …[Continue]
Oh, my pretty cock, oh, my handsome cock, I pray you, do not crow before day, And your comb shall be made of the very beaten gold, And your wings of the silver so gray….[Continue]
The Cock And The Hen
“Cock, cock, cock, cock, I’ve laid an egg, Am I to gang ba–are-foot?” “Hen, hen, hen, hen, I’ve been up and down To every shop in town, And cannot find a shoe To fit your foot, If I’d crow my …[Continue]
Burnie Bee
Burnie bee, burnie bee, Tell me when your wedding be? If it be to-morrow day, Take your wings and fly away….[Continue]
The Black Hen
Hickety, pickety, my black hen, She lays eggs for gentlemen; Gentlemen come every day To see what my black hen doth lay….[Continue]
The Bird Scarer
Away, birds, away! Take a little and leave a little, And do not come again; For if you do, I will shoot you through, And there will be an end of you….[Continue]
Bat, Bat
Bat, bat, Come under my hat, And I’ll give you a slice of bacon; And when I bake I’ll give you a cake If I am not mistaken….[Continue]
A Wise Old Owl
A wise old owl sat in an oak, The more he heard, the less he spoke; The less he spoke, the more he heard; Why aren’t we all like that wise old bird?…[Continue]
Three Little Kittens
Three little kittens, They lost their mittens, And they began to cry, Oh, mother, dear, We sadly fear, Our mittens we have lost. What! Lost your mittens, You naughty kittens, Then you shall have no pie. Meow, meow, Then you …[Continue]
X, Y, And Tumbledown Z
X, Y, and tumbledown Z, The cat’s in the cupboard And can’t see me….[Continue]
Vintery, Mintery, Cutery, Corn
Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn, Apple seed and apple thorn; Wire, briar, limber lock, Three geese in a flock. One flew east, And one flew west, And one flew over the cuckoo’s nest….[Continue]