There was an Old Man of the Hague, Whose ideas were excessively vague; He built a balloon to examine the moon, That deluded Old Man of the Hague. Edward Lear…[Continue]
There was an Old Man of th’ Abruzzi, So blind that he couldn’t his foot see; When they said, “That’s your toe,” he replied, “Is it so?” That doubtful Old Man of th’ Abruzzi. Edward Lear…[Continue]
Person Of Cromer
There was an old Person of Cromer, Who stood on one leg to read Homer; When he found he grew stiff, he jumped over the cliff, Which concluded that Person of Cromer. Edward Lear…[Continue]
Of Sharpening One’s Nails With A File!
There was an Old Man of the Nile, Who sharpened his nails with a file, Till he cut off his thumbs, and said calmly, “This comes Of sharpening one’s nails with a file!” Edward Lear…[Continue]
Man Of Nepaul
There was an Old Man of Nepaul, From his horse had a terrible fall; But, though split quite in two, with some very strong glue They mended that man of Nepaul. Edward Lear…[Continue]
Old Person Of Tring
There was an Old Person of Tring, Who embellished his nose with a ring; He gazed at the moon every evening in June, That ecstatic Old Person of Tring. Edward Lear…[Continue]
Lady Of Clare
There was a Young Lady of Clare, Who was madly pursued by a Bear; When she found she was tired, she abruptly expired, That unfortunate Lady of Clare. Edward Lear…[Continue]
The Cold
There was an Old Person of Mold, Who shrank from sensations of cold; So he purchased some muffs, some furs, and some fluffs, And wrapped himself well from the cold. Edward Lear…[Continue]
Person Of Crete
There was a Young Person of Crete, Whose toilette was far from complete; She dressed in a sack spickle-speckled with black, That ombliferous Person of Crete. Edward Lear…[Continue]
City Of Troy
There was an Old Person of Troy, Whose drink was warm brandy and soy, Which he took with a spoon, by the light of the moon, In sight of the city of Troy. Edward Lear…[Continue]
Man Of Aôsta
There was an Old Man of Aôsta Who possessed a large Cow, but he lost her; But they said, “Don’t you see she has run up a tree, You invidious Old Man of Aôsta?” Edward Lear…[Continue]
Old Man Of The North
There was an Old Man of the North, Who fell into a basin of broth; But a laudable cook fished him out with a hook, Which saved that Old Man of the North. Edward Lear…[Continue]