Daffy-down-dilly has come to town In a yellow petticoat and a green gown….[Continue]
A Man, a Stool, a Leg of Mutton and a Dog
Two legs sat upon three legs, With one leg in his lap; In comes four legs And runs away with one leg; Up jumps two legs, Catches up three legs, Throws it after four legs, And makes him drop one …[Continue]
Make three fourths of a cross, And a circle complete; And let two semicircles On a perpendicular meet; Next add a triangle That stands on two feet; Next two semicircles, And a circle complete….[Continue]
There was a girl in our town, Silk an’ satin was her gown, Silk an’ satin, gold an’ velvet, Guess her name, three times I’ve telled it….[Continue]
Peep, Peep
I had a little sister, they call’d her peep, peep, She waded the waters deep, deep, deep, She climbed up the mountains high, high, high, Poor little creature she wanted an eye….[Continue]
A Candle
Little Nanny Etticoat In a white petticoat, And a red nose. The longer she stands The shorter she grows….[Continue]
Long legs, crooked thighs, Little head, and no eyes….[Continue]
A Thorn
I went to the wood and got it; I sat me down to look for it And brought it home because I couldn’t find it….[Continue]
Teeth And Gums
Thirty white horses upon a red hill, Now they tramp, now they champ, now they stand still….[Continue]
A Ship’s Nail
Over the water, And under the water, And always with its head down….[Continue]
A Needle And A Thread
Old Mother Twitchett had but one eye, And a long tail which she let fly; And every time she went through a gap, A bit of her tail she left in a trap….[Continue]
A Chimney
Black within and red without; Four corners round about….[Continue]