The snowflakes are falling by ones and by twos; There’s snow on my jacket, and snow on my shoes; There’s snow on the bushes, and snow on the trees— It’s snowing on everything now, if you please. Leroy F. Jackson…[Continue]
Lengthening Days
As the days grow longer The storms grow stronger…[Continue]
The First Of May
The fair maid who, the first of May, Goes to the fields at break of day, And washes in dew from the hawthorn-tree, Will ever after handsome be….[Continue]
Thirty Days Hath September
Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November; February has twenty-eight alone, All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting leap-year, that’s the time When February’s days are twenty-nine….[Continue]
A Swarm Of Bees In May
A swarm of bees in May Is worth a load of hay; A swarm of beens in June Is worth a silver spoon; A swarm of bees in July Is not worth a fly….[Continue]
The Seasons
Spring is showery, flowery, bowery; Summer — hoppy, croppy, poppy; Autumn — wheezy, sneezy, freezy; Winter — slippy, drippy, nippy….[Continue]