Chef Art Smith buys fresh food from a market to make a healthy meal for his neighbors. The family cooks together with Art to make grilled chicken, salad with grilled chicken, pasta salad with chicken and vegetables, and chicken soup—four …[Continue]
Online Advent Children Calendar 12/23
Find December 23rd on the Peanuts and Lego Advent calendars with Cullen’s Abc’s. Peanuts suggests a wonderful good deed for the holiday season, and Lego City gives you one of your last Lego figures for the city….[Continue]
Online Advent Children Calendar 12/24
Find December 24th, the last window, on the Peanuts and Lego City Advent calendars with Cullen’s Abc’s. Peanuts suggests a great Christmas Eve activity, Lego City gives you the final piece of the city….[Continue]
Children Stories | Little Red Riding Hood Story by Cullen’s Abc’s
Children Stories | Jack & The Beanstalk Story by Cullen’s Abc’s
Nursery Rhymes – Happy Birthday
A baby elephant turns one year old as we sing him “Happy Birthday.” Use the lyrics at the bottom of the page to help you wish the elephant a happy birthday….[Continue]
Nursery Rhymes – Little Miss Muffet
Preceded by a short, spoken introduction of the setting, this video tells the story of Little Miss Muffet, who is frightened away from her picnic spot when a spider appears. Use the lyrics at the bottom of the page to …[Continue]
Sesame Street: Baby Sports
Telly Monster brings you an episode of Baby Sports where two baby girls have a crawling race in their play pen. Telly narrates the race like a horse race, and it’s neck and neck ’til the very end….[Continue]
Sesame Street: Election Day
Big Bird goes searching for his friends so they can finally meet Snuffy, who they think is imaginary. He finds David and Olivia, but they’re on their way to vote on Election Day. Big Bird learns all about the importance …[Continue]
Sesame Street: Secretary Sebilius and Elmo Flu PSA
Secretary Sebilius and Elmo teach you how to stay healthy during the flu season. They offer tips about covering your sneezes, washing your hands often, and making plans in case your child is sick to make sure winter goes smoothly….[Continue]
Sesame Street: Elmo’s Letter Quest & Other Magical Tales
Get a preview of Sesame Street’s new DVD: Elmo’s Letter Quest & Other Magical Tales. Watch Elmo go on a quest for things that start with the letter Y, Cookie Monster turn everything he touches into a cookie, and many …[Continue]
Sesame Street: Grover Flies
Super Grover teaches you all about the letter F. Learn the sound it makes, fabulous words that start with the letter F, and actions that begin with the letter F, like flying—and falling….[Continue]