Preschool is a time of intensive learning and hopefully lots of fun, for children in this age group. Preschoolers are highly interested in the world around them, and will be eager to jump right in to learn more. July can …[Continue]
Steps to Make Sand Art Jars
Making your own colorful works of art is fun and easy to do, especially for kids. By simply layering different colors of salt, sand, or chalk on top of one another, you can create a beautifully unique piece of art. …[Continue]
Colored Sand Bottles
If you can pour sand into a bottle, you can make colored sand vases. Start by finding, cleaning out and drying a clear glass or plastic bottle. Glass bottles are usually more visually appealing but with small children, plastic bottles …[Continue]
Cotton Ball Animals
Making crafts is a lot easier than some people think. While you may not have a lot of confidence in your ability to come up with original crafts, most people find that once you start making a craft, the creativity …[Continue]
Clay Critters
Clay is an inexpensive tool that can be used to make just about anything. For this craft all you need is some clay and your imagination. You can use the clay to create a game that goes along with your …[Continue]